Friday 24 March 2017


                                        Future Of Wealth

Wealth is defined as amount of time a person can survive without his active income!!
Wealth is a measure of time !!!
The Industrial Revolution is soon to come to an end with a beginning of Information Age and it will happen very soon when the Robots will replace Humans!!

Many Multinationa Companies have alreay Started Implementing AUTOMATION !

Sign Up For Special FREE Newsletter on How You can fight the ROBOTS From taking away your
Financial Freedom!!

Click on the Link To Get Free Access:




Just Remember, that in order to survive in the Information age, a strong financial knowledge and true wealth insights shall be required!!

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Monday 20 March 2017

Financial Leverage!!

                                                               Financial Leverage

The meaning of the word Leverage is "Ability to do more for less".

 Financial Leverage includes ability to utilise other people's time and money to be Rich.

Leverage of Time :-

All of us have 24 hours in a day . Big Businesses hire more people to utilise their time to do a piece of work quickly, which otherwise might have taken huge amount of time; paying in return by cash or kind!!!

This concept popularly is called "Other People's Time"

Leverage of Money:-

The Rich always put less amount of their own money and utilise debt as an option to be Rich.
Debt can make you Rich Faster.

Leverage of money is something which is called "Other People's Money"

The True Wealth has recently given out a FREE report on How to make your first Million Rupees in
5 easy steps!!!

You can get the FREE report here .

Meanwhile you can read all our blogs !! Stay Connected on FACEBOOK!!

Saturday 11 March 2017

The Power Of Thoughts

Thoughts are a powerful tool to Change Your Life. There Is a True saying  "what you think you become".

The same is true for aquiring Wealth  and becoming Successful.

It is the  power of THOUGHTS that help you become Rich.

Well the ACTIONS that we perform are the by product of our THOUGHTS .

The Rich and Successful People Always have different thought process and hence they have a different PERCEPTIONS and ACTIONS towards their Life and Money.

The Conditioning Of Mind Controls  One's Money,  Income, Expenses, Investments And All Day To Day activities.

To be financially independant and wealthy, it is very important to learn the thought process of the Rich.

This book helps achieve a mindset of the Rich with a promise to change thinking process forever.

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